Fergie Slams Liverpool Owners

Over the past few weeks there have been many stories about Liverpool football club, many of them about Rafa Benitez. Sir Alex Ferguson has had his say on the matters going on at Liverpool:
"At big clubs, it's absolutely paramount that the board show their class," he said."Arsene Wenger has had great support at Arsenal and I've had great support, too, ever since I came here. So there's a certain type of unity there."What happened with [Klinsmann] was a bad piece of business on Liverpool's part, there's no doubt about that."That sort of thing can be very upsetting for a manager. You should allow a manager to get on with his job."

Liverpool owners had gone behind Benitez' back and looked for another manager to replace him, personally i dont think that is on and unless Benitez or the owners go then i can see Liverpool going downhill.

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