Gills Home Vandalised

The other day Chief Executive of Manchester United has the outside of his home vandalised and he has spoken about his disappointment:

"It's the first time I've been affected in this particular way," he told The Guardian. "I wouldn't say I was shaken, but you do think about your family, and it isn't nice."
"I've been clear all along that there will always be people who are opposed to the takeover of the club.
"They will never change, they have been consistent in their views and concerns and will continue to express them, but it's a question of how they express them. There is way of doing things in the right manner without resorting to criminality."

It is thought that his house was targeted because of Gill's relationship with the Glazer's.
AIG (the clubs sponsor) has also been targeted earlier this week amd that is thought to have been targeted because of the logo on a banner of the Busby Babes which has been erected at Old Trafford to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Munich disaster.
I can understand where they are coming from but this is not the way to go around it. Your only going to get yourself into trouble and it isnt going to get the logo removed.

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