How Deluded Is The Chelsea Owner?

We all know why Chelsea are a successful football club, just incase you don't they have an extremly rich multi millionaire for an owner who can buy the most expensive, worldclass players that he wants to.
It has come out that Roman Abramovich (the Chelsea owner) thinks that everybody owns a yacht and a plane.
This is coming from a former employee who is currently trying to recoup £1million in wages and bonuses he claims he is owed.
He has also called former Manchester United employee Peter Kenyon, Roman Abramovich's 'skirt'.

Mr Smith said:
"Mr Kenyon's explanation was that Mr Abramovich had become hesitant about the level of cost in running Chelsea," he told the tribunal in central London.
"He wanted me to believe that, despite his own public positioning as the all powerful celebrity CEO, on the specific area of executive compensation he was being neutered by Mr Abramovich.
"Hiding behind his skirt was a convenient sham but it clearly lacked any credibility. Mr Abramovich would spend £587 million on Chelsea by the time I left so I doubt that he was daunted by the size of my prospective salary.
"Curiously Mr Kenyon declared that he was sympathetic to my position and believed that Mr Abramovich was so detached from the real world that he didn't make decisions that would be regarded as rational by the general public.
"Maybe Mr Abramovich thought that everyone had their own plane and yacht already, and possibly he wasn't familiar with the concept of mortgage payments."
After three-and-a-half years of demanding a contract Smith was finally offered a deal worth at least half a million pounds a year but when Kenyon realised he would have to pay £950,000 in back pay and unpaid benefits he backtracked and forced that figure down, it was claimed.

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