Bayern Munich Chairman On Real Madrid

The Bayern Munich Chairman has had now had his say on Real Madrid's pursuit of Cristiano Ronaldo, and I like what he has to say.
Here is what he said:
"I am not worried about the case because the rules are clear and Manchester United has a very strong contract with the player for the next four years," Rummenigge told the international press.
"Besides, I know enough about Alex Ferguson to know that if he says no, then that means no."
Anyway, this is not a question of money for Manchester United. The player and Real Madrid can say what they want, United have the last word and if they say it is not happening then that is that."
Teams will always have players in their squad that see incredible offers come in for them and contracts put forward that could see them earn a lot more money than they do with your club."
That is the world that we currently live in, but luckily people can still say no. No is a very good word. In fact it is one of my favourites."
"I cannot believe that a club like Real Madrid can force a player like Cristiano Ronaldo to cause such tension, because the price that the will have to pay if too high for everyone,"
"I think that this is dangerous for world football. Each club has to find its own way of dealing with things in these cases."This is a situation that only concerns Manchester United, but I would like to see Ronaldo stay at the club for the benefit of everyone."

This whole saga is out of control and it is beoming extremly boring, Ronaldo said days back that he would announce what he wants to do in a few days, but he hasn't, he has gone on holiday. This is the second time that he has done this.
ManUtd fans are now loosing respect for him, if he had come out and said what he wants to do then we would have a lot more respect for him.
Hopefully Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo will read what the Bayern Munich chairman has had to say, and take note.

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