Ronaldo to Real Madrid - Deal Struck!!

Yes, you did read it right, apparently a deal was struck last summer which will see Ronaldo move to Real Madrid this summer. I wasn't quite sure whether or not to comment on this story because I think it is a load or rubbish.

Real Madrid director Pedro Trapote has alleged that a deal was struck but clauses in that deal prevented it from being made public, even though it just has, does that mean the deal is off?

Spanish daily El Mundo reported that Ronaldo agreed to stay at United this season only provided they let him go next summer.
Trapote was reported as saying to a friend: “If you are asking me what we are going to do now then I would tell you that we have already signed the best player for the summer.”
The friend replied: “Are you talking about Cristiano?”
Trapote responded: “The best of the best. It is Cristiano, there is no other.
“It is best to not say anything because there are some clauses that prevent us from announcing it now. For us it would be a good time, but we should not do that. But it is not bad, eh?”

Here we go again, this subject is getting incredibly boring, I don't think that a deal has been struck especially since there has been talk of a new contract and more importantly to the player- more money.

I think that this is all about screwing up Ronaldo's mind and I really do hope that we draw Real Madrid in the next round of the UEFA Champion's League and show them exactly why Man United are better than them.

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