If Footballers React, Should They Be Charged?

During Wednesday's Carling Cup match between Chelsea and Burnley (which Chelsea lost on penalties) a coin was thrown at Didier Drogba and Drogba reacted by throwing the coin back which was wrong but it now looks like the FA will suspend him for 3 games, the police are looking into it and to top it off it looks like Chelsea will fine him 160 grand.

Drogba is not my favourite person, far from it but there was an idiot during the match who threw the coin in the first place and it looks like he will be getting away with it.
You are probably thinking to yourself, what has this got to do with Manchester United? Well the answer to that is nothing but there was an incident with Cantona and fans years back.

If this does happen to a Manchester United player and they react in the same way that Drogba has I wouldn't be happy with the way people are reacting.
It is a difficult one because I can understand how everyone has reacted, if someone threw a coin at me, I would throw it back at them and I honestly think that most people would.

The disappointing thing is that the person who threw it in the first place will probably get away with it and continue to go to matches but the footballer gets a police investigation, a fine and match bans and I don't think that that is fair.

On the other side of it, someone did throw the coin, Drogba threw it into the crowd and it probably hit a perfectly innocent person who does have the right to complain about it and get the police to do something.

What I would like to see is the person found which will only really be done if someone close to him in the crowd saw him do it and tell someone so that they can be dealt with and Drogba to be dealt with because he shouldn't have reacted like that.

What do you think? Should footballers face police investigations, FA investigations and a fine or should they just face FA investigations?

Finally I would like to say that I DO NOT condone coin or object throwing anyway.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Eric Cantona jumped into the crowd and aimed a kung fu kick at some asshole who made a comment about his mother, lol. Not the best thing to do but it was done and he was banned for 9 months !!

    Drogba should get banned for a good length of time for this - 3 months !! How the hell can you tell fans it's just not on to throw coins when idiots like Drogba are doing it ?

  2. Shuggo says:

    Drogba was an idiot for doing it, he has been handed a three match ban but I am sorry but I cannot agree with you, he should get a good length of time but I think I and everyone else should say that it is not on for anyone to throw coins whether you are a fan or a footballer

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