Wenger criticises United

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has said that he disapproves of United going to Saudi Arabia in the middle of the season (like we care). Arsenal and United will be playing each other in the fifth round of the FA Cup at Old Trafford.

Wenger said: "I've never done it and I'm not a big fanatic of that,"
"It can have a long-term impact. In the short term, sometimes you can suffer in the next game because you travel, you come back, time to adjust again and you switch off a bit when you go into a different country. The focus could go a little bit."

Now i dont know what it has to do with Wenger? Maybe he was just upset because it was United who went not Arsenal. United got a bit of a break in the sun and i could certainly do with that, United didnt have a Carling Cup match to play so i dont really see the problem.

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One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Don worry bos
    Mu will win...
    just wait N C the result

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