Consider Yourself Warned!

During the Manchester Derby on Saturday, did you spot a City ball boy throw the ball at Cristiano Ronaldo and it hit him on the nose?

If you did then you weren't the only one, today it has been revealed that referee Howard Webb also noticed it along with the fourth official and they had a word with City officials who had a word with the ball boys.

Ball boys have been controversial before but I think that it was just a bit of harmless fun, I think that the problem that the ref had with it was because it was right infront of the City fans and they spotted it and cheered the ball boy on.

It could have been an accident, he could have been egged on by City supporters he shouldn't have done it but he is only a kid. Hopefully he has learnt his lesson because other footballers might have reacted a different way.

It has also been revealed that referee Howard Webb didn't realise that Ronaldo had heard a whistle until after the match, if he heard the whistle then he probably wouldn't have shown the yellow card.

It doesn't really matter no though because United rightly won and Ronaldo will miss tonight's match against Blackburn which he probably wouldn't have played in anyway.

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