Was Fergie Out Of Order?

Much has been made about Man United boss Sir Alex Ferguson an his comments about Real Madrid, mainly about him calling them a mob. But was/is he out of order? Real Madrid have said that he is out of order but what does everyone else think?

Earlier on in the week Real Madrid sporting director Predrag Mijatovic was quoted as saying that they had a deal to sign Ronaldo during the next summer, Mijatovic has now said that Ferguson is no importance to Real and that he is totally out of order.

Here is what Ferguson said:

"Do you think I would get into a contract with that mob? Jesus Christ, no chance. I wouldn't sell them a virus,"
"That's a no,"
"There is absolutely no agreement at all between the clubs."
"I said to David Gill (Man United's Chief Executive) you can bet your life that in January the rumours will start up again," he said.
"We've just got to ignore them. We have got a difficult programme of matches coming up and need to just play our game and ignore them."
"Over the five years he has been with us, we have seen him develop into the player he is today," he added.
"He always had certain attributes that pointed him towards the very top - his amazing skill, his speed and his courage. In the time he has been with us, he has also developed his decision-making."

and here is what Predrag Mijatovic has said:

"In the last summer Ferguson also made some statements that were totally out of order like this one," said Mijatovic in The Sun.

"Ferguson for us has absolutely no importance at all. We have more important things to solve now than respond to him.
"Each of us has to look at their own house and nothing more.
"Ferguson lately is making his statements in his press conferences and last summer he did the same thing.
"We're not paying attention to him. We're a great club and we're never going to answer any statement of anybody.
"For that we have tranquility. We have much more important things to do than bother with the statements of anybody."
"You know perfectly well what we did last summer and for us this subject died last summer. Everything else just doesn't make any sense, honestly."

After what has happened through the last few years with Real Madrid and Ronaldo then I think that Fergie is justified in what he has said and I am not just saying that because he is the Man United manager but I would also say that if it was another manager saying it.
I think that Real Madrid have been totally out of order, they have been sly and clever about it.

What are your thoughts on this subject?

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