First Fergie Now Ronaldo!

Manchester United are getting picked on today, first Rafa has started a war of words against Sir Alex Ferguson now Kurt Angle (a wrestler- just incase you didn't know who he wasn't because I wasn't too sure who he was) has had a right go at United star Cristiano Ronaldo.

I couldn't help but laugh at what Rafa said but I found this hilarous. I would like to say that one of the things that Angle said is that football (he says soccer but it isn't soccer it is football) is a girls game and calls it a sissy English game, for starters if you did a worldwide vote football (sissy English football) would be a lot more popular than American football. Secondly I think that Ronaldo is alot more famous than that stupid wrestler.

Kurt told The Sun: “I should officially request that the British government detain Ronaldo for the time in which myself and the rest of the Main Event Mafia are in the city of Manchester for TNA's Maximum Impact Tour.

“His inability to drive, combined with his natural weakness as a soccer player, would make navigating the United Kingdom far too risky for an international celebrity such as myself with a pathetic fool like that out on the streets.

“Unlike Ronaldo or any other soccer player, I am recognized as international star both by the United Kingdom and the far more politically and economically important United States.”

“Because I will be flying into the Manchester Airport near the site of the crash, I can offer Ronaldo driving lessons in addition to giving him other tips on how to compose himself like a real sports star - the American way.

“Lesson number one - soccer is a girl's game in the United States, and since we set the rules across the globe, Ronaldo should abandon the sissy English game and get in the six sided ring of TNA like a real American.”

"It doesn't suprise me at all that another soccer player can't conduct himself like a true sports icon."

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