Rafa Takes New Swipe At United

After that ridiculous and hilarious Rafa Benitez news conference on Friday he has now taken another swipe at Manchester United and this time his target is David Gill.

In all honesty the only club that Rafa Benitez' swipes are affecting is his own, if Liverpool win the title then that is the time that he should take a swipe at anyone.

Here is what Benitez has had to say:
“Now we are a threat, they are playing mind games.
“It’s a mind game when you are on the same level as the other people. But when you have control of everything and your chief executive is in the FA, then that is not mind games.”
“I don’t need to put them under pressure. They know they are, because when you talk too much about another team that is why.”

All teams are under pressure and that is not necessarily a bad thing, if we weren't under pressure then we could get complacent. What Rafa has to remember is that Liverpool may be to of the Premier League right now but Man United have TWO games in hand and if we win those that means six points.
We are one point behind Chelsea and five behind Liverpool, we win those two games which are both at Old Trafford against Wigan and Fulham then we will be top of the Premier League not Liverpool.

The more that Rafa Benitez bad mouths United the better in my opinion because it is piling more and more pressure on Liverpool to win the Premier League which I don't think they will do.

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