Sir Alex Ferguson vs Rafa Benitez

Over the past few months there has been childish swipes coming from Rafa Benitez and Sir Alex Ferguson, aimed at each other. The first proper rant came in January from Rafa Benitez which ended up with people calling him 'mad' and Sir Alex's response was to call Rafa . Only days after that, Benitez took another swipe at United but this time it was aimed at David Gill.

In March Rafa went on another rant by saying that Manchester United have spent alot more money on players than Liverpool but the stats showed that Liverpool had spent more money on players.

There have been many more swipes at each other and the latest is that Benitez says that it is too difficult to understand Ferguson and that Manchester United are scared of Liverpool.

Rafa should know that Fergie is the king of mind games and Rafa keeps on responding.

Rafa was talking about Fergie before Liverpool's 3-1 loss to Chelsea at Anfield in the Champion's League last Wednesday. Fergie's response was that he thinks Rafa should have concentrated on Liverpool, not him and he didn't realise that he was that important.

Here is Benitez' reply: "Mind games are for managers who are affected by mind games, but I don't understand him [Fergie] - because he talks in a Scottish accent,"

"I don't care that he talks about me, it means that he's nervous. That's good."

"Normally I am very focused just on my team before every game and I don't care about what people say."

He obviously does care because if he keeps on replying, if he didn't care he wouldn't reply and it would be like water off a ducks back. Now saying that he doesn't understand him because he talks in a Scottish accent is a tad harsh, I'm not Scottish but I do understand what Fergie says, If anything I sometimes struggle to understand what Benitez is saying.

One Response so far.

  1. Norine1977 says:

    if we will talk about Rafae and Fergie Rafa said his word at oldtrafford and didn't let to Fergie what to say he beated him with an ashameful score at home and he demolished all his team "Fulham,Porto" and he said his magic words. "now we give confidence to other teams to beat Manu" and its done.

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