Ronaldo Hits Back

Since the Champion’s League match against Roma, United star Cristiano Ronaldo has been called many things, including show off and big head.
After the match Roma player Pizarro accused Ronaldo of ‘taking the mickey’.
I watched the United/Roma match and I didn’t think he was that bad, yeah he did a few tricks, not that many though but that is what you want to watch.
If Ronaldo, Nani or anyone wants to do some tricks on the pitch during a match then I don’t have a problem with it.
The players are showing their skills and this is what people want to watch and pay to watch.
Anyway, before I go off on one, Ronaldo has hit back and this is what he said:
"I've not been taking the mickey or playing the fool with anybody,"
"On the field I respect my adversary. If someone thinks my moves are mockery then they are wrong. "If I've a certain attitude it's simply because I have always had it and will continue to do that. “I play for the team and not to show off."

So, what do you think? Does Ronaldo show off?

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