Fans Report Manchester United

A group of Man United fans have reported Manchester United to the office of Fair Trading over ticket prices claiming that United have: 'breached its statutory and legal obligations to season ticket holders'.

MUST (which incidentally I am a member of and you can join by clicking here) have complained about these three main reasons:

*United's season ticket terms and conditions are in breach of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999.
*Their compulsory automatic cup ticket scheme is in breach of The Competition Act 1998, Part II, Section 18(2).
*Their pricing policy is in breach of The Competition Act 1998.

Here is what MUST say:"Over recent years we have seen unfair terms and huge ticket price rises imposed on supporters by club owners taking advantage of their loyalty," said MUST chief executive Duncan Drasdo.
"For a long time Manchester United was by no means the worst offender having previously had an admirable policy of keeping prices relatively low despite the success of the club. All that changed when the Glazers took over.
"However now, with the help of a team of eminent competition lawyers, economists and experts in sports law, we have been able to compile a comprehensive complaint based on Competition and Contract Law, which could have welcome consequences for supporters at clubs throughout the country."

Personally I can see both sides, I am not a season ticket holder because I no longer live in Manchester but fans what to see top players like Ronaldo, Anderson, Vidic and Ferdinand and the club has to pay for it somehow.
Carling Cup games are currently priced at £48 per ticket and that is a lot of money especially for a Carling Cup game but there were 60 odd thousand people inside Old Trafford for the Carling Cup match against QPR.

I think that quite a few clubs over price fans especially in the Premier League but if fans don't turn up then they will have to bring the prices down but there is always someone willing to pay that amount to watch Manchester United play so they can charge that amount.

For anybody who hasn't heard of MUST it stands for Manchester United Supporters Trust.

If you are interested in reading more on this subject then you can click here

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    The serious point I would like to make: I think ticket prices are wa y too high across all of football

    The not serious point I would like to make: I'd pay more than normal prices to not watch Man Utd, unless there were losing :)

  2. Shuggo says:

    lol, if you were wanting to only watch Man Utd loose then it wouldnt happen that often.

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