Man United Devils now on Natajak

You can now get Man Utd Devils blogs sent direct to you phone using a mobile application called Natajak.

All you need to do is click here, register for Natajak, download it and install it on your mobile. The Man Utd Devils feed has been preinstalled so you will get any news updates we publish sent direct to your phone. You will also receive Man Utd team news, match reports and photos along with other general news and sports updates.

As well as sending you the news, Natajak can also be used to text, email (including accessing your emails from your phone) and even share photos (phone permitting). It will work on most mobiles that can access the internet and works just about anywhere in the world.

Natajak charge you nothing to get or use the tool. It works via the mobile internet connection of your phone so the only charge your might incur is for

any data you use, but if you are on a fixed cost data tariff even this should be free.

I hope you enjoy using Natajak.

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  1. Anonymous says:


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