Man United Fight Back

Earlier I told you that a Real Madrid director has stated that Real Madrid struck a deal with Manchester United over the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo (don't know what I am on about? click here) .

After the 5-3 win over Japan's Gamba Osaka, Sir Alex Ferguson came out and predictably denied and rubbished these reports.

Fergie said: "Do you think I would get into a contract with that mob? Jesus Christ, no chance. I wouldn't sell them a virus,"
"That's a no,"
"There is absolutely no agreement at all between the clubs."
"I said to David Gill (Man United's Chief Executive) you can bet your life that in January the rumours will start up again," he said.
"We've just got to ignore them. We have got a difficult programme of matches coming up and need to just play our game and ignore them."
"Over the five years he has been with us, we have seen him develop into the player he is today," he added.
"He always had certain attributes that pointed him towards the very top - his amazing skill, his speed and his courage. In the time he has been with us, he has also developed his decision-making."

I think that mean that Man United HAVEN'T struck a deal with Real Madrid.

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