Calling All Manchester United Supporters

I have just received a very interesting press release from a charity called Football Aid. Football Aid will be holding an event at Manchester United's Carrington training ground to raise money for charity.

Football Aid were founded in 2000 by businessman and Football Aid Chairman Craig Paterson, he has so far donated over £1.3m to charitable organisations around the country.

Football Aid provides fans with the ultimate footballing experience which is what they are now offering you.
The money made will be split between Football Aid's diabetes charity and selected Manchester United charitites.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the fans to have a look round Carrington training ground and have a coaching session with Manchester United coaches.

It kicks off on the 14th May, a bus will pick you up from Old Trafford and take you to Carrington training ground, you will meet the coaches and then be taken off for a healthy lunch. After that you will have a unique training session and take part in a short series of matches.
To finish the day off you will be invited to a post-match presentation ceremony, followed by a return trip back to Old Trafford.

You will be able to see places where the press aren't allowed and they are not open to the general public.

This sounds like a really worthwhile opportunity and if you are interested you can go to their website ( or click here, positions are still available but be quick.

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